4 What's this?Number of jobs
Diversity of jobs
Distance travelled to work
Number of public sector jobs
Number of hospitals
Number of GP's and dentists
Number of children in primary schools
Number of children in secondary schools
Distance travelled to study
Number of shops
Diversity of retail offer
Number of charities
Lockerbie is an independent town. 2 What's this?
Combining inter-relationships and typology, Lockerbie is grouped with 11 other towns. It has similarities to these towns in terms of the number of charities, children in secondary schools, jobs, public sector jobs, shops, and GP's and dentists. It also has similarities in the distance travelled to study.
- Social
AverageAverage for the category
Population change 2001 to 2011
More than similar towns per head of population
Interim population change 2012-2016
Less than similar towns per head of population
Net migration rate 2011 7 What's this?
More than similar towns per head of population
Jobs change 2009 to 2014
More than similar towns per head of population
Household change 2001 to 2011
More than similar towns per head of population
Population 2011
Less than similar towns
Households 2011
Less than similar towns
Population change 2001 to 2011
More than similar towns per head of population
Household change 2001 to 2011
More than similar towns per head of population
Less than similar towns per head of population
Jobs change 2009 to 2014
More than similar towns per head of population
Employment type(% working full time vs part time aged 16-74)
Occupation (% aged 16-74)
Social Grade (% households aged 16-64)
Sector Diversity
Distance travelled to work
Education (% all people aged 16 and over)
Children in primary schools
More than similar towns per head of population
Children in secondary schools
More than similar towns per head of population
More than similar towns per head of population
GP's and dentists
Less than similar towns per head of population
Commuter Flow Map
Coloured and grey lines/pins show the main and smaller commuter flows, respectively, between this town and the other towns in Scotland.4 What's this?
Number of people per shop
Less than similar towns per head of population
Diversity of retail offer (%) 7 What's this?
Less than similar towns per head of population
Number of tourist beds
Less than similar towns per head of population
Connectivity and environment assets
Average download speed (MBs) 7 What's this?
More than similar towns per head of population
Greenspace (hectares) per 1000 population 7 What's this?
Less than similar towns per head of population
Number of buildings at risk 7 What's this?
Less than similar towns per head of population
To gain more insight into Lockerbie, compare it to any of the other towns included in USP.
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